Saturday, May 15, 2010

Quality of pictures :), :\ or :( ?

If you would have noticed the pictures I've taken since the beginning of this year, they are a bit different from the pictures I took last year. This is because I changed my handphone to BlackBerry Curve 8900. I previously used SE K810i, still use it though for emergency. I am actually a bit disappointed with the quality of the pictures taken from BB, they look slightly blurry compared to SE. I can't help but to use it to take pictures; or maybe I just don't know how to take good pictures with a BB?
So what do you think? :), :\ or :( ?

1 comment:

Nadia said...

tekejut me when u said those pics are frm ur BB, for i always thought their pictures usually look worse (myb of the wrong hands, hehe). so yours is still good actually. love em still, slalu bikin lapar. haha.